IPFuck is a firefox addon created to simulate the use of a proxy. With this addon installed and enabled, and if a lot of us use it, there will no longer be any mean to know who is using a real IP, who isn't and who was charged doing something he didn't... Basicaly : we all become anonymous !
This addon is a "proof of concept" to show anyone who isn't already aware that IP address has become obsolete and that no one...
Jan 4, 2011
Dec 27, 2010
Owned And Exposed : When the hackers become hacked!
Publié par
10:14 PM

The group of hackers known as the publishers of the "Owned And Exposed" Magazine had released the second version of their "newsletter" in which they describ and details how they compomised the security of six sites... you'll be really shocked when you'll know the names :
All the details can be found in the paper here!
Just remember that a series of small mistakes can mean big, when your adversaries...
Pentbox:The Security Command Line Suite
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9:14 PM
Pentbox is a Linux lightweight suite of command line tools to test the safety and stability of your system / network, written in ruby and also compatible windows Windows / Mac and any system that handles & supports ruby (even iOS & Android).
The tools are divided into different categories& you will get :Base64 Encoder & DecoderMulti-Digest (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, RIPEMD-160)Password...
Dec 25, 2010
ge.tt : Share Files using The Browser.
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2:04 PM
Bored of using the hosting sites like Rapidshare to share a file with a friend especially when he get obliged to wait a long time to download this file?Ge.tt is a free solution that help you to share you files (Legal files of course!) with you friends using your browser, all you have to do is access the website, load your file & share the link with your friends, whom can retrieve this file directly from your computer.The file uploaded is also sent & uploaded on Ge.tt. servers (cloud...
Oct 22, 2010
Apple Spies on You!
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10:00 PM
Few weeks ago before the launch of visitors series on MBC, An ad was broadcasted thought the MBC’s Group channels, with a woman that show up on a white background after losing signal on TV, and said “We Came in Peace!”.; nothing special about that, it’s just an ad!( especially for the V lovers and people whom were waiting for it), but the strange about that is that Aljazeera Tv replies by a report, that said that the MBC channels were hacked by the MOSSAD ( the national intelligence agency of Israel) to show that message...
NMAP on Android
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12:40 PM
I’ll show you in this topic how to run NMAP on your Smartphone, and exactly on Android Phone!!!Nmap is one of the most wanted software used by pentesters, it help to gather informations about ports and services running on a machine, services fingerprinting, detecting Os version… it can run on android too by followind these steps.First of all you need to download the cross compiled arm nmap from here.Then connect your phone to your pc and on adb:adb remountadb push nmap.zip /sdcard/nmap.zipadb shell (following on shell)sucd /data/localmkdir bincd bincp /sdcard/nmap.zip...
Sep 12, 2010
Pentest using Android: The Iphone & N900 beat again!
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5:34 PM
After getting my new phone, an android one (The Samsung Spica i5700), I’ve started looking around on how could I use it as to pentest , the first step was to know the possibilities of the beast, so I started gathering some information about the specifications & the possibilities of The spica. The spica comes with a 800 Mhz processor with a BCM4329 wifi chipset, which not allow the injection mode for the moment, comparing to the Apple iphone or The N900.I forgot about the The injection mode to focus on metasploit!,Metasploit needs to be fully ported...
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